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Before & Afters

Cosmetic Composite Bonding vs Veneers
Invisalign, Crown Lengthening Surgery & Veneers
Veneers Dental Case Study
[Case Study] Common Medication Leads To 4 Crowns
Invisalign followed by veneers
Opening Bite and Replacing Old Veneers
Curing a gummy smile!
Crown lengthening and veneers
Single front tooth
Open a bite, altering gingival levels, and placing additive veneers to treat severe wear
Veneers in Newport Beach
Conservative treatment for a missing tooth
Treatment of 4 front teeth with veneers
Composite Veneers in Newport Beach
Veneers by Corona Del Mar Dentist
Changing a face utilizing dentistry
10 veneers by Newport Beach Cosmetic Dentist
Veneers on two central incisors in Newport Beach
Invisalign in Newport Beach CA
Dental Implant
Crowns & Dental Implant Patient