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Gold Restoration

Onlays, Partial & Full Coverage Crowns

General & cosmetic dentistry in Newport Beach, CA

Origins of Gold Dental Restorations​

Gold has a long history as a premier dental restoration. Its use dates back to the ancient Egyptians, and it has retained its usefulness through the centuries. In modern society, gold restorations have somewhat fallen out of favor with patients due to esthetic concerns. This is unfortunate, as many people are unaware of the considerable benefits that gold dental restorations have to offer. Additionally, depending on the location and nature of the restoration, it may not be visible when you smile.

Dr. Spath is a talented cosmetic dentist, and he can create a stunning and strong smile, using gold crowns on the back teeth, where strength is most important, and tooth colored porcelain or resin on the visible teeth.

Why Choose Gold Restoration

Tried and Tested

Gold has unique and amazing properties of resilience, malleability, and biocompatibility. There are several techniques for placing gold dental restorations, with the most common being cast gold, which is approximately 18 karats. It is the strongest restorative dental material available. The next common technique, known as gold foil, is a tried-and-true method that has been used in dentistry for generations. With this technique, the restoration is made of 24-karat gold.

Great Benefits

In keeping with his dedication to providing the highest quality of dentistry, Dr. Spath advocates the use of gold restorations. As a dental material, gold has many unique benefits in addition to biocompatibility and strength. One of the most important is malleability. It can be shaped with precision, to fit the healthy portion of the tooth structure. Unlike many common dental materials, gold retains its strength even when it is very thin. This allows your dentist to restore a tooth without removing healthy tissue or reshaping the structure.

Exceptional Durability

Gold restorations have exceptional durability when placed by a qualified practitioner, but it requires specific training and experience to achieve optimal results. Dr. Spath has studied the technology and optimal technique of gold restorations extensively. He has worked closely with the highly respected R.V. Tucker Cast Gold Study Club of Orange County as a member and Secretary. He also has many years of experience successfully placing gold restorations.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gold Dental Restorations

Gold restorations or gold inlays/onlays are made from a mixture of gold and other metals. They are used to repair and restore teeth that have been affected by decay or damage.

Some individuals prefer gold for several reasons, including:

  • Durability: Gold is known for its longevity and strength, often lasting for many years.
  • Biocompatibility: Gold is a biocompatible material, meaning it rarely causes allergic reactions or adverse tissue reactions.
  • Minimal tooth preparation: Gold onlays require less removal of healthy tooth structure compared to other types.
  • Resistance to wear: Gold is a highly resistant material that can withstand the forces of chewing and grinding.

Coverage for gold restoration by dental insurance can vary depending on the specific insurance plan. Some dental insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost of gold onlays, while others may provide coverage only for amalgam or composite materials. It is advisable to review your dental insurance policy or contact your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage for gold restoration.

Gold restoration is considered safe and have been used in dentistry for many years. Gold is a biocompatible material, and adverse reactions to gold are rare. However, as with any dental material, there may be exceptions or individual sensitivities. It is always important to discuss any concerns or allergies with your dentist before getting gold restoration.

The price for gold restoration will vary based on the amount of teeth needed to be treated along with the procedures used to complete the gold onlay process.