Kois Center
Cosmetic & General Dentist in Newport Beach, CA.
What is the Kois Center
Why is the Kois Center Unique

Extensive Education
Excellence in Dentistry
Excellence in dentistry includes words like integrity, trust, and empathy. It means you can trust your dentist and staff to autograph their work with excellence. Decisions that will affect your oral health and well-being for a lifetime must be made in collaboration with someone who is looking out for your best interest now and in the future.
Mentor Program
Additional Information About The Kois Center
Attendance is open to all dental professionals including: general dentists, specialists, laboratory technicians, and dental staff. Those who find the Kois Center to be the best “fit” for them often have the following characteristics in common:
- Value being at the forefront of solid, scientific evidence
- Appreciate a small, personal classroom atmosphere where participation is encouraged
- Desire to participate and collaborate with other dental professionals
- Desire to become involved in providing more comprehensive care for patients
- Strive to be excellent
Graduates have made a serious commitment to this rigorous curriculum—sacrificing time away from families, home and their practices—challenging themselves to be the best. To achieve this goal has required questioning of traditional standards and examination of strongly held beliefs under the light of published evidence. It has also required the courage and willingness to change, when necessary, how they practice dentistry. Above all, dentists attending the Kois Center are committed to excellence and doing their best for their patients.
Visit their website at www.koiscenter.com