Gum Disease: Causes, Detection, and Treatment of Periodontal Disease

Have you noticed blood in your sink after brushing your teeth lately? Bleeding while brushing can be one of the first warning signs of Periodontal Disease. In its earliest stages, it manifests as gingivitis and only infects your gums. However, if left untreated, the disease can travel below your gum line, infecting your bones, and evolving into Periodontal Disease.

The Prevalence of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease, or more commonly known as gum disease, is a common infection that involves inflammation around the tooth. This inflammation damages the soft tissue and bone supporting the tooth. Without treatment, the alveolar bone around the teeth can be lost over time. The disease can also cause tooth loss and can increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, and other health complications.

According to the recent findings of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately half of Americans aged 30 and up have periodontal disease. These findings indicate that the disease affects upwards of 64.7 million Americans. A variety of risk factors can be an indicator if someone will experience the disease. Some can be attributed to inherited or genetic susceptibility, but others are caused by smoking, lack of adequate hygiene practices, age, diet, health history, and certain medications.

What Causes Periodontal Disease

Microorganisms, such as bacteria, can stick to both the surface of the tooth and in the pockets surrounding it. Once this bacteria has the opportunity to multiply, the immune system reacts, releasing toxins, and inflammation occurs. Bacterial plaque, which takes the form of a sticky, colorless membrane, can develop over the surface of the teeth and is often the most common cause of Periodontal Disease. If the plaque is not removed, it can eventually harden to form tartar.

Luckily, most cases of gum disease are completely preventable through good dental hygiene!

Treating Periodontal Disease

Maintaining good oral hygiene practices is one of the easiest and most effective ways to treat gum disease. Proper dental care involves brushing twice daily and flossing once daily.

A more in-depth treatment can include scaling, which involves a dental professional cleaning below the gumline. This can be done using hand tools or an ultrasonic device that breaks up plaque and tartar. This method of cleaning is recommended to be completed twice a year.

While these tips can be useful in preventing and treating the disease, it’s important to note that there is no replacement for 6-month check-ups with a dental professional.

Finally, A Self-Assessment App For Your Oral Health

Don’t waste your time searching resources for your oral health care through search engines anymore! The Healthy Mouth App the Kois Center recently released has everything you need. From smile reports to the contact info of dentists near you. Check out what this app is all about:

mouth app

Key Features

  • Take the assessment and check out what the app has to say about the 4 different categories it reports for you:
    1) Smile Characteristics.
    2) Gum Health.
    3) Bite and Jaw Health.
    4) Tooth Health.
  • See the forecast on your heart disease risk score.
  • Bring your tracked brushing and flossing habits into your dental appointments.
  • Have access to over 75 articles in the Patient Education Section.
  • Locate dentists that are uniquely trained to review the reports with you and schedule directly through the app.


5 Minutes. That’s all you need from start to finish to get through the initial setup! This app can get you registered, the algorithm and analysis reports, and local dentist’s contact info in the time it takes you to listen to your favorite song!

  • Download, then create your account within the app.
  • The apps algorithm that will analyze your responses and provide you with risk estimates for all aspects of your mouth.
  • You will then be directed, within the app, to local dental offices that can interpret your results.
  • Once you pick the dental office of your choice, you can schedule an appointment for any concerns you may have that may have come up in your assessment results.


Just a tap away and you have all the resources that the internet could provide you with, but in about half the time and almost no effort. This app will centralize your oral care and  make your dental care easier to maintain in the long run.

Contact us and we can answer any questions you have about the app process and reports produced! Give a call (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email!

Download The Healthy Mouth App

Sleep Apnea and Your Oral Health

Sleep Apnea and Your Oral Health

Image result for cant sleep gif

Have you been waking up feeling lethargic and exhausted, even after 8 hours of sleep? Sleep apnea could be the reason! What is sleep apnea? What causes it? And who can help me? These are some of the very first questions that come to mind when experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea. After asking said questions, it’s important to know exactly what these answers are before moving on to the next possible causes of your sleep issues.

Let’s go over these questions and if you need to follow up with more concerns… you know where to find us!

What is sleep apnea?

The straight forward definition for sleep apnea is: A chronic condition that causes people to stop breathing at different times throughout their sleep cycles. Now, there are 2 different kinds of sleep apneas: Obstructive and central. If you have any of the below symptoms it could mean you have one of these:

Potential Symptoms

  • Long pauses in your breathing while asleep.
  • Gasping for air while sleeping.
  • Restless sleep.
  • Dry mouth or sore throat when waking up.
  • Being exhausted every morning, even after 8 hours of sleep.

What causes sleep apnea?

As discussed above, there are 2 forms of it- Obstructive and central sleep apnea.
Let’s start with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is the most common form and is when your upper airway gets blocked when you’re asleep, making it hard on your diaphragm to draw in air. You can reduce your risk of having this form of sleep apnea by losing weight, avoiding drinking alcohol 4-6 hours before bed, and sleeping on your side.

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is when your brain isn’t sending your muscles the right signals to breathe correctly. This is sometimes caused by medications that you may be taking, or it could be related to an illness from which your lower brain stem is affected.

Who can help?

Now we come to the most important question of all, who can help? Dentists are valuable partners when it comes to the study and treatment of sleep apnea- they know the ins and outs of the mouth. Not to mention they are the experts on your oral health and breathing is a huge part of that! These are a few things that dentists can prescribe and help you with once you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea by your doctor:

  • An oral appliance is a “mouth-guard” type of appliance and the most widely preferred! It is quiet, portable, and easy to wear.
  • CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. This is very effective for OSA because it provides forced air to prevent any obstruction from happening. However, you do have to wear a mask when you sleep.

There is a surgery that can help treat sleep apnea as well. This surgery is done by implanting a medical device that electrically stimulates the hypoglossal nerve to the tongue- basically a pacemaker for your tongue. This does not cause pain and all it really does is cause your tongue to be pushed forward, away from the back of your airway. This is only a treatment for OSA, not CSA, and is usually only performed when the other 2 treatments are not tolerated.

Contact us and we can set up an initial exam to give you the proper information you need to proceed with whichever treatment option works best for you! Give a call (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email!

Non-opioid pain management for dentistry with exparel

Let’s put an END to Opioid abuse.

It’s been in the media for sometime now and the matter of fact is that the opioid epidemic is still too prevalent. That is why Dr. Andrew Spath and his talented Newport Beach staff has made a point to further their treatment education and learn about Exparel, a newer dental option that allows pain management for days after the procedure. Watch Dr. Spath give a bit of insight to this product in this quick video.

What is Exparel?

EXPAREL is a single-dose infiltration or as an interscalene brachial plexus nerve block that provides significant long-lasting pain control in effort to reduce the use of opioids during post surgical pain.
– Original Source:

How it Works

Exparel is revolutionary nerve blocking injection that is done soon after an operation, in this case a dental operation. It’s intended to provide ample pain management for 3-4 days after the operation which is the average recovery time for most dental procedures. While some procedures will require extra pain management, the idea behind Exparel is to reduce the number of pills a patient has to take and to deter the growth of the Opioid epidemic.

A Patient’s Experience with Exparel

A recent patient of ours was nice enough to jump in front of the spotlight for a little Q & A about his experience using this Exparel. He had a new set of dental implants just a few days prior. Not only does he look fantastic, his normalcy of life has stayed pretty consistent.

I’m always hesitant with Doctors and procedures, but you made it so easy. There was a little pain the first day, but I only took two pills.

To learn more about this product, a certain procedure, to ask a question, or anything else dental related, be sure to call our office and one our friendly staff members will be there to greet you, (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email!

How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist in Newport Beach

First Off, You’re Worth It.

Invest in yourself and live the life you desire.

Updated 10/14/19

As a premier Cosmetic Dentist in Newport Beach, I understand the commitment that goes into making that decision. Time, money, and results are all things one should consider when seeking cosmetic dentistry. Over the years and after many-many treatments as well as advanced education, here are 3 things that have made patients the happiest!

1) If You Must, Travel.

Cosmetic dentistry is a big step in anyone’s life.  It involves time and money, something we all could use more of. However, this commitment will do wonders for your happiness, vitality, and appearance. If you must, travel. Check out the map below for a visual of where we are located!

2) Quality over Quantity.

If done properly, your treatment should not only look great, but endure the test of time. While there are some outliers like whitening and people’s habits, treatments like crowns, veneers, gold restoration, and a few others should be a one-time procedure. Choose a quality dentist and get the results you deserve.

Most dentist offices that I’ve gone to are nice. But Dr. Spath’s office takes it to the next level. I also love how up to date the office is making it feel like I was at home. I’ve never minded going to the dentist but I kind of look forward to visiting.

3) Education and Experience.

Do your due diligence before making your final decision. Whomever you choose, that cosmetic dentist should have years of continued cosmetic dentistry education and experience.

To learn more, ask a question, or anything else oral health, call our office and one our friendly staff will be there to greet you, (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email!

Newport Beach Dentist describes the benefits of Invisalign

Achieving the smile you desire doesn’t have to be done with conventional metal brackets and wires, you can make it almost invisible. For those Newport Beach area patients interested in improving the alignment of their smile, there is an alternative called Invisalign. While most of you have probably have some familiarity with the product, the real benefits and time of treatment might actually shock you! The technology has come that far. Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS in Newport Beach offers his patients an alternative called Accelerated Invisalign.

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution that treats mild to moderate misalignment and malocclusion. This method of treatment uses clear aligners, which are discreet and effective at improving the dental arch and the bite. At the practice of Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS, we have years of experiencing providing teenagers and adults with this orthodontic service.

We have helped many patients improve their smiles without the need for conventional metal bracket and wire braces used in the past. Invisalign is an alternative that is more widely accepted in social situations.

Here are some benefits to the Invisalign treatment!

  • Invisalign aligner trays are made with high quality, medical-grade plastic that is clear and discreet.
  • Invisalign is effective at readjusting the teeth and helping ease them into their ideal positions.
  • Invisalign does not require patients to change their eating habits since the trays can be removed for eating and drinking.
  • Invisalign aligners are easy to remove and care for.
  • Invisalign aligners allow patients to maintain their oral hygiene without brackets and wires increasing the risk of periodontal disease or tooth decay.
  • Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear, unlike brackets and wires that can irritate the sensitive skin of the mouth.
  • Invisalign is affordable and is often comparable in price with conventional braces.
  • Invisalign is covered by many insurance providers making it an economic option for many families on a budget.

Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS starts the Invisalign process with an initial consultation appointment. During this visit, patients can discuss their dental concerns with their dentist and undergo an examination to determine if this method of treating malocclusion is appropriate. Invisalign is best used in situations where there is mild to moderate misalignment of the dental arch or the bite. More severe cases may require the assistance of a true orthodontist to address.

We are here to help, so reach if you have a question or would like to schedule your consultation! Call us at (949) 612-2356 or reach us online.

7 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

Dental implants are a very popular solution for patients who are experiencing the loss of natural teeth. There are many reasons to consider dental implants, and Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS of the Newport Beach area can consult with patients to determine if they are appropriate for their smiles.

1) Function
Dental implants use the jawbone for stability and strength, so they function just as natural teeth do. The implant acts as a tooth root would, and osseointegration helps the bone wrap around the restoration for superior strength. Biting forces are distributed to the jawbone in the same way they do with natural teeth.

2) Beautiful
Dental implants can be restored with bridges and crowns, which are fabricated to match the existing teeth. This ensures they look beautiful and provide a discreet method of restoration after tooth loss.

3) Versatile
Dental implants can be used for single or multiple tooth replacement. They can be restored with crowns, bridges, and dentures, depending on the needs of patients.

4) Affordable
Considering dental implants can last a lifetime, they have value like no other restoration. While they may cost more upfront, they are highly successful in placement and do not require further treatment over the course of time.

5) Maintain Bone
When natural teeth are missing, the bone below may disintegrate and weaken. By placing dental implants, patients can maintain the jawbone and maintain their facial contours. Lost jawbone can result in a “sunken in” appearance around the jaw, which is often associated with denture wearers.

6) Permanent
Dental implants do not need to be removed as dentures do, allowing patients to have their dental implants placed and not worry about removal for cleaning.

7) Maintain the Smile
Not only can the placement of dental implants maintain the beauty of the smile, they can also provide patients with a way of avoiding the shifting of existing teeth. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth have a tendency to drift out of place. By implanting a restoration, the existing teeth can maintain their alignment and positioning.

4 Reasons You Should Have Straight Teeth

Are your teeth not quite positioned where you’d like them? A Stunning and, more importantly, a healthy smile can make a huge difference on your quality of life. Having a beautiful smile of straight teeth will give you more confidence as well as improve upon your overall oral health! Don’t believe us? Here are the top 4 reasons of why you should have straight teeth.

1) Improved Oral Health

Not commonly known, straight teeth are, in fact, healthier. Having straight teeth results in fewer cavities, less discoloration, and less uneven wear or fractures. Furthermore, the gum tissue around straight teeth are less likely to develop periodontal disease. Straight teeth and healthy gums means you can chew anything you please because your teeth are less likely to be sensitive to heat and cold. Straight teeth not only look great, but they lower your risk of painful and costly dental problems.

2) More Self Confidence

Another reason to consider straight teeth is very simple… Self confidence. Unfortunately in our visually-based society appearance does matter. Studies have show again and again the benefits of an attractive appearance and smile as it relates to job opportunities, the amount of money you make, and even the people you attract into your life. Like it or not, your smile is a reflection of you.

3) Cheaper Dental Costs

Generally saving money doesn’t come to mind when thinking about having a beautiful smile, but straight are less inclined to accidents. Teeth that protrude are easily broken from falling, hitting the rim of your drink, sports collisions, car accidents and much more. In addition, mentioned in item 1, a straight smile is easier to care for and often, more cared for. Ultimately reducing your dental procedures and costly surgery. So if your teeth aren’t where you’d like to be, think about ‘paying it forward’. Not only for your wallet, but for your self confidence too!

4) Longer Life Span

Shocking, but did you know having straight teeth could help you live longer. Studies show that people who manage their oral hygiene effectively on average live an extra 7 years. This meaning daily flossing and brushing. However, studies also prove those with crooked or crowded teeth are less likely to maintain this regiment. Falling behind on this could result in gum disease and individuals with gum disease are over 30 percent more likely to suffer coronary artery disease. Straight teeth not only are easier to keep clean, but those with straight teeth are more likely to take care of them.

Our passion is oral health and seeing the individuals of Orange County happy and healthy! We appreciate you taking the time to read our latest post on straight teeth. Call us today with any questions you might have and don’t forget about our Invisalign special sure to get you on the right path of happiness and health.

Choosing a Family and Cosmetic Dentist

Choosing a dentist for you and your family can be a daunting task.. What do I need? What do the kids need? Is there a dentist that can cover us for years to come? We’ve found a few helpful tips for your selection process.

Family Dentistry

Upon selecting a dentist for your family, it is key to find one with proper training and experience to meet the needs of your family’s dental needs. Here are a few necessary items when looking for a family dentist:

  • Training
  • Experience
  • Services
  • Atmosphere

Read Full Description

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is often misunderstood simply for the fact that some people don’t know their even doing it! From whitening, to shaping, and veneers, cosmetic dentistry is very rewarding for patients. It gives them a second chance at the smile they deserve. Dr. Spath is proud to offer the following cosmetic dentistry solutions:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Bonding
  • Implants

Read Full Description

To learn whether you and your family could use our dental services, contact Dr. Spath who will guide you down the right dental path at (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email.

DIY Dental Care

At home, between check-ups!

There is no substitute for seeing your dentist for regular checkups at least twice a year. The dental care they provide, in state-of-the-art facilities, with high tech equipment, is not something you can replicate at home.

There are, however, many things you can do at home (DIY) between visits.

dental DIY recipes for good teeth health

DIY Quick Tips at a Glance

#1 Green Drinks!

They’re everywhere these days. Most juice bars (think Jamba Juice) have them. Your local grocery store should have a version or two (we know Trader Joe’s does!) and you can make them at home. Green drinks and juices can be easily found AND they don’t have to taste bad. With added fruits such as pineapple and apple, green drinks offer a little sweetness with a powerful pack of nutrients.

green smoothy


According to one of our favorite sources, Dr. Ax, a doctor of natural medicine and clinical nutritionist, the enzymes in green drinks provides protection from tooth decay and plaque formation.

DIY Tip:

Pick one up at your favorite juice bar location or make one at home & drink away!

A Quick Recipe

In a juicer blend the following: 

  • 2 Apples
  • 3 Kale spears

Transfer to a blender & blend in:

  • 1 Banana
  • ½ Mango
  • 1 Ripe Peach

Add coconut milk or fresh juice for volume and YUM!

Don’t have a juicer?

That’s okay, you can pick up this same combo at your local juice shop. Just ask!

healthy food for healthy teeth

#2 Healthy Food!

From Superfoods to raw, wholesome fruits & vegetables; healthy food is our biggest DIY oral health asset. They are readily available and, when consumed daily, work in our best defense for a healthy mouth. So which foods rank as the top choices for a healthy diet?

  1. Wild-caught fish such as salmon and mackerel
  2. Raw foods such as carrots and apples
  3. Foods with a high level of fat soluble vitamins like coconut and bone broth.


These healthy foods help fight gum disease in various ways.

Wild-caught fish contains beneficial Omega-3’s that reduce inflammation, while fresh, raw vegetables help clean teeth while we eat them. Additionally, the really great benefits of fat-soluble vitamins from foods like coconut and bone broth help to fight gingivitis. How cool is that?

Foods can aid with good oral hygiene and help us out! Do It Yourself!

DIY Tip:

Go to the farmer’s market, fill your bags with fresh produce & eat more healthy food!

DIY Healthy Foods [Sample] Grocery List:

  • Wild Salmon
  • Celery
  • Apples
  • Coconut
  • Grass-Fed Beef
  • Carrots
  • Raw Milk
  • Almonds
  • Strawberries
  • Sardines
  • Bone Broth
  • Broccoli

Add in healthy foods like almonds, raw milk and Kale for a well-rounded variety!
Note: This grocery list is intended as a sample to get you started as a helpful part of your DIY Dental Care.

teeth whitening in newport beach

#3 Dentist Offered At-Home Whitening Kits

While there definitely are ways to whiten your teeth with peroxide based products, many processes are unclear, potentially unsafe and often don’t provide long-lasting results. It may seem convenient, quick and easy to take it upon yourself to follow an at home recipe; in fact, it could work! However, the safest way to ensure the best results at home are with kits that your dentist dispenses.


As we mentioned above, results with products and recipes that you find through alternative resources may or may not provide good results. On the other hand, with at-home whitening kits directly from your dentist, you can be confident that you are getting a product that your dentist believes in, one that will give you the results you are looking for.

DIY Tip:

Check in with your dentist and purchase a kit directly from a professional.

Teeth Whitening Trays in Newport Beach California

DIY Teeth Whitening Considerations:

While at home kits can give you immediate results in the comfort of your own home, there are other factors to consider with keeping your teeth white.

  • Stay Hydrated!

If you are drinking more water it is less likely that you will choose other types of drinks that can stain your teeth. Also, water helps keep bacteria from building up on your teeth.

  • Ensure Best Results.

Your dentist will be able to provide you with detailed instructions and a customized whitening tray. Be sure to follow directions completely.

  • Know the Alternatives!

DIY kits from your dentist are a great way to take care of your teeth-whitening needs at home, it’s true. However, if you are not comfortable doing it yourself, please trust your dentist to take care of your whitening needs in-office. Consider these reasons for allowing us to help with your whitening needs – Click Here

With all of these DIY tips, we encourage you to do what it takes to take care of your teeth in between checkups, with confidence, at home.

You can Do-It-Yourself! As usual, we are always here for you, CALL US for any help you may need.

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