Teeth Whitening Tips & Solutions

Dr Spath put together this great (short) video to help you understand the differences between today’s leading teeth whitening options to determine which solution may be right for you.

Different whitening options and their advantages:

Crest White Strips and other over the counter whitening systems.


  • Ease of access
  • Cost


  • Results
  • Comfort
  • Patient compliance

Whitening trays:


  • Under doctor supervision
  • Can be used repeatedly over time for a better result
  • Cost effective


  • Can require multiple uses
  • Patient compliance

In office whitening:


  • Under doctor’s supervision
  • Best results with single use


  • It is only a single use so the results are the results and can require multiple visits.

Contact our Newport Beach dental office to learn more on the options available and which one is right for you: (949) 612-2356

Dental Implant vs Crown: How to Choose the Right Solutions.

Today, a lot of dental research, news and progression revolves around implant dentistry. In the past when a tooth went bad, or a tooth and nerve died, a root canal was performed to get rid of any infection and allow the tooth to be restored. Dr Spath explains several reasons a dental implant may be a better solution than a root canal and crown in this short video.

Today there is an alternative to root canals called a dental implant. Generally a root canal will still be performed when the tooth structure has a good, or the patient doesn’t have a high risk for decay. The last thing you want to do is to perform a root canal with a crown on a patient who has a high susceptibility to future decay, forcing a retraction of the tooth down the road.

Implant success rates range between 92-97% depending on which jaw they are performed on and the quality of bone. Though root canals and crowns have a similar success rate, the re-treatment rate drops into the low 80 percentile. At this rate it is important to initially determine the best long term solution for the patient, which may be a dental implant.

Reasons to consider a dental implant:

  • If the patient has a high risk of tooth decay (Root canal and crowns get reinfected) an implant is the best solution.
  • If it is the second root canal on a specific tooth (root canal retreat) an implant should installed.
  • If there is minimal amount of healthy tooth remaining to support a restoration an implant should be performed.
  • If a root canal tooth supports a bridge an implant can be performed.

Learn more about Crowns here: Crowns & Bridges

Learn more about Implants: Dental Implants

Tip: 5 Ways to Tell If Your Crown Fits

Dr. Spath describes 5 simple ways to tell if your dental crown fits correctly in this short video.

5 symptoms that your crown may not fit:

  1. Trapping food: Do you consistently get food trapped between your crown and opposing teeth?
  2. Gum inflammation: Have you noticed an increase in inflammation?
  3. Shredding floss: If you can’t easily floss your teeth you may not have a good fit.
  4. You are not able to chew on it: Do you experience pain, discomfort or similar disconnect when chewing food with the crown?
  5. Sensitive to temperature: Have you become more sensitive to temperature?

If you are experiencing any of these systems you most likely have a crown that needs to be assessed.

Contact Dr. Spath’s office in Newport Beach, CA today to schedule a consultation.

Phone: (949) 612-2356
Web: https://newportbeach-dentist.com

Why choose teeth whitening at Dr. Spath’s Dentist Office

Teeth whitening is a procedure that is getting quite popular in the past few years mostly because of the significant advance in technology and the methods practiced by experienced dentists. However, not all dentists practice safe and efficient methods because some of them are not well informed while others are trying to achieve these effects by using cheaper methods. By visiting Dr. Andrew Spath’s dentist office in Newport Beach you can be sure that you are getting a professional and serious treatment. Now let’s point out few advantages of using his services that make Dr. Spath the best dentist in Newport.

First of all, their office is focused on preserving the health of teeth and gums. They use only proven tools and methods for whitening teeth which are secure for the health of the teeth and your body in general. After the teeth whitening treatment a special protective agent is applied which additionally strengthens the tooth structure. During the treatment, the dentists are constantly checking the state of the teeth in order to ensure that the procedure is giving the best results without damaging the soft and hard tissues found in the mouth.

This dentist office is also practicing an individual approach. This means that in order to have a proper teeth whitening without any negative effects, you should visit the office where Dr. Spath will determine the cause of discoloration of teeth, set the correct diagnosis and then explain all the available methods for whitening teeth. Besides that, they are paying special attention to the conversation with the patients because they want to be sure that they will meet the patient’s expectations. Only when a dentist knows the expectations of their patient they can choose the right whitening method.

In order to perform whitening in the right way, teeth must be thoroughly cleaned. If all soft and hard deposits are not removed properly, the bleach will not be able to reach all surfaces of the teeth, so you can’t expect to get the desired result. In addition, the dentist prepares the individual application foils based on the impression of your teeth, ensuring a full effect of the whitening agent on all the surfaces of the teeth which leads to excellent results. It is easy to find this type of foils in the pharmacies and many people use them in order to finish this procedure without any help, but the truth is that the effects of this type of whitening are not very good and they don’t last long. The results you will get at Dr. Spath’s dental office will last for a long period of time.

In addition, they are offering the possibility of teeth whitening with extracted nerves. This is a procedure that can be performed only by experienced and qualified dentists.

Teeth whitening is and should remain under dentist’s supervision because this treatment requires adequate preparation of teeth and gums that can be done only by a certified dentist.

Dentist in Newport Beach describes a Smile Makeover

Do you want to rejuvenate your smile? Are you dealing with dental imperfections that make you feel self-conscious when you laugh, speak with others, and grin? Are you ready to make a dramatic change to your smile in a way that is beautiful and natural looking? If so, you may be a great candidate for a smile makeover in Newport Beach.

Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS is a Newport Beach dentist who can provide a dazzling, gorgeous smile with a complete smile makeover. This is a method of rejuvenating the smile with one or more cosmetic procedures to improve the aesthetics of the teeth. At the practice of Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS, patients are encouraged to schedule a consultation appointment and examination so we can understand the changes desired and make appropriate recommendations, which may include:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Invisalign orthodontics
  • Dental crowns and bridges
  • Dental implants
  • Professional teeth whitening

Patients are encouraged to visit an experienced aesthetic dentist such as Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS of Newport Beach to develop a treatment plan that best fits the needs and budget of each individual. Some patients may need just one aesthetic treatment, while other treatment plans may incorporate several different solutions for a dramatic change. Depending on the severity of the concerns, patients may be able to change the way they look in just one appointment!

Just like a plastic surgeon can improve the body, a cosmetic dentist can improve the smile. We understand that many of our patients want to achieve a more desirable appearance and we believe aesthetic services can help.

If you are ready to transform your smile, contact Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS today to schedule your initial appointment and learn about the methods of rejuvenation used in his state-of-the-art practice with his caring, helpful team. We work hard to provide preventative, general, and cosmetic dentistry that meets the needs of our patients while allowing them to afford the enhancements they desire.

Choosing your smile

How much do you love your smile? If your response is less than enthusiastic, it may be time for the magic of cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Andrew Spath, of Newport Beach, CA, is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and one of the foremost cosmetic dentists in the area. No matter what you dislike about your smile, he has a beautiful solution.

A smile makeover may include one or several cosmetic dentistry procedures. The idea is simply to correct all esthetic flaws in your teeth. It is important to remember that there is only one person qualified to judge the appearance of your smile – you. The first step is looking in a mirror and deciding exactly what you want changed, and what result you want.

When you see Dr. Spath for your initial consultation, he will want to know your hopes and goals. After performing an examination, he will explain what can be accomplished, and what procedures are available. Often, several options can accomplish the same end goal. Dr. Spath will clearly explain the pros and cons, as well as making a recommendation if there is a clear “best choice.” A few of the things you may need to decide are:

Gold vs. porcelain

You may think of gold restorations as outdated, but they still have a number of advantages over tooth colored materials. Gold restorations are typically stronger, more conservative, and longer lasting. Depending on where they are placed, they might never be noticed by anyone but a dentist.

Bridges vs. implants

Dental implants are considered the superior solution in nearly every situation. However, bridges can be more economical (in the short term) and faster.

Teeth whitening vs. veneers

Simple bleaching can work wonders on yellowed and stained teeth. However, not all stains and discoloration respond well to the solution. Although teeth whitening will improve nearly anyone’s smile, some patients may need veneers to achieve snowy white.

Root canal vs. implants

Some teeth are simply too loose or damaged to restore; they can be extracted and replaced with dental implants. However, with the expertise of Dr. Spath and his dedicated team you will be surprised how many natural teeth can be saved!

Dr. Spath is your partner in oral health and beautiful smiles. He will guide you through the process, helping you make informed decisions. Call (949) 612 2356 today and begin the journey to the smile of your dreams.