How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist in Newport Beach

First Off, You’re Worth It.

Invest in yourself and live the life you desire.

Updated 10/14/19

As a premier Cosmetic Dentist in Newport Beach, I understand the commitment that goes into making that decision. Time, money, and results are all things one should consider when seeking cosmetic dentistry. Over the years and after many-many treatments as well as advanced education, here are 3 things that have made patients the happiest!

1) If You Must, Travel.

Cosmetic dentistry is a big step in anyone’s life.  It involves time and money, something we all could use more of. However, this commitment will do wonders for your happiness, vitality, and appearance. If you must, travel. Check out the map below for a visual of where we are located!

2) Quality over Quantity.

If done properly, your treatment should not only look great, but endure the test of time. While there are some outliers like whitening and people’s habits, treatments like crowns, veneers, gold restoration, and a few others should be a one-time procedure. Choose a quality dentist and get the results you deserve.

Most dentist offices that I’ve gone to are nice. But Dr. Spath’s office takes it to the next level. I also love how up to date the office is making it feel like I was at home. I’ve never minded going to the dentist but I kind of look forward to visiting.

3) Education and Experience.

Do your due diligence before making your final decision. Whomever you choose, that cosmetic dentist should have years of continued cosmetic dentistry education and experience.

To learn more, ask a question, or anything else oral health, call our office and one our friendly staff will be there to greet you, (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email!

4 Reasons You Should Have Straight Teeth

Are your teeth not quite positioned where you’d like them? A Stunning and, more importantly, a healthy smile can make a huge difference on your quality of life. Having a beautiful smile of straight teeth will give you more confidence as well as improve upon your overall oral health! Don’t believe us? Here are the top 4 reasons of why you should have straight teeth.

1) Improved Oral Health

Not commonly known, straight teeth are, in fact, healthier. Having straight teeth results in fewer cavities, less discoloration, and less uneven wear or fractures. Furthermore, the gum tissue around straight teeth are less likely to develop periodontal disease. Straight teeth and healthy gums means you can chew anything you please because your teeth are less likely to be sensitive to heat and cold. Straight teeth not only look great, but they lower your risk of painful and costly dental problems.

2) More Self Confidence

Another reason to consider straight teeth is very simple… Self confidence. Unfortunately in our visually-based society appearance does matter. Studies have show again and again the benefits of an attractive appearance and smile as it relates to job opportunities, the amount of money you make, and even the people you attract into your life. Like it or not, your smile is a reflection of you.

3) Cheaper Dental Costs

Generally saving money doesn’t come to mind when thinking about having a beautiful smile, but straight are less inclined to accidents. Teeth that protrude are easily broken from falling, hitting the rim of your drink, sports collisions, car accidents and much more. In addition, mentioned in item 1, a straight smile is easier to care for and often, more cared for. Ultimately reducing your dental procedures and costly surgery. So if your teeth aren’t where you’d like to be, think about ‘paying it forward’. Not only for your wallet, but for your self confidence too!

4) Longer Life Span

Shocking, but did you know having straight teeth could help you live longer. Studies show that people who manage their oral hygiene effectively on average live an extra 7 years. This meaning daily flossing and brushing. However, studies also prove those with crooked or crowded teeth are less likely to maintain this regiment. Falling behind on this could result in gum disease and individuals with gum disease are over 30 percent more likely to suffer coronary artery disease. Straight teeth not only are easier to keep clean, but those with straight teeth are more likely to take care of them.

Our passion is oral health and seeing the individuals of Orange County happy and healthy! We appreciate you taking the time to read our latest post on straight teeth. Call us today with any questions you might have and don’t forget about our Invisalign special sure to get you on the right path of happiness and health.

New Years Dental Resolutions

Happy holidays from the team here at Spath Dentistry! It’s time for some good ol’ gift giving, sweet lovin’ family time and we couldn’t be more excited. We’ve even begun to discuss our New Year’s Resolutions at the office.

Here are five resolutions for the new year we think will keep your mouth happy.

Limit Sugar Intake

What! Limit sugar? But the delicious holiday treats! Don’t worry. We’re not saying oust all sugar from your diet. Just cut back and be conscious about it. BMC Public Health believes there’s a clear connection between sugar and tooth decay. And unfortunately, tooth decay is the leading cause of tooth loss, especially amongst the younger demographic. Reducing your sugar intake is a gradual process. Substitute kombucha or sparkling water for soda. Only eat dessert after dinner. Chew sugarless gum. Rationing desserts can be tough, but it definitely beats a future of missing teeth and a lifetime of voluminous dental care.

Floss the Before Bed

My grandparents reminded me of this all the time as a kid. Although brushing twice daily is an excellent start, toothbrushes do not completely remove all plaque from between your teeth. Making it a habit to floss once daily will not only improve your smile and overall health, but you will greatly decrease extensive dental care in your future. Why, might you ask? Simple. Plaque is not a friend to your mouth. It contains a bacteria that feeds on leftover food and sugars stuck between teeth. Over time, the bacteria begin to release an acid that slowly eat away the outer shell of your teeth. This is the cause of cavities. If plaque remains for a long period of time, it turns into a hard substance called tartar and can eventually be the root of gum disease. Once plaque has reached this stage, it can only be removed by a dentist.

Consider Fixing Bite Irregularities

Many of us have grown up with an irregular bite. Misalignments in our teeth lower self-esteem and can lead to a lifetime of oral discomfort. Colgate estimates nearly fifty percent of new orthodontic patients are adults these days. That’s because modern methods for straightening teeth have become easy and discreet. While braces are a traditional procedure with a proven track record, a new and exciting technique is becoming a popular choice: Invisalign. They’re made of a clear plastic that can be easily removed to eat or brush teeth. Although orthodontics are an extensive endeavor, they will lead to a healthy smile and vastly reduce future dental bills.

Nicotine No More

Your mouth is constantly shedding layers and heals extremely fast when injured. However, smoking debilitates your immune system and makes it difficult for your mouth to actually heal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study stating constant use of tobacco products doubles your risk of gum disease. Gum disease weakens the bone structures holding your teeth in place, eventually causing gums to pull away and teeth to fall out. Like reducing your sugar intake, quitting smoking is a slow, moderate process. It is important to find support from friends and family and healthy alternatives when the cravings begin. In addition to the numerous online sources to help and spark ideas, your general practitioner will happily assist in any way possible.

Visit Your Dentist

Don’t think of this one as just another advertisement from our office. Although we love cleaning your teeth, we cannot stress the importance of your dental visits. The American Dental Association estimates roughly a third of Americans do not visit a dentist every six months. So challenge number one: give us a call and schedule a check up.

We are not naive, it’s a busy time of year! But if you wait until after the first of the year to call, you may have to wait a few months before an available time. There is a good chance your health plan’s deductible will reset the first of the year, making it a prime time to clean your teeth. When you do make it in, schedule the next appointment before you leave our office. We’ll send you a reminder so you don’t have to think about it.

Call us today or schedule your next visit online.

How To Evaluate & Select Your New Dentist

4 Considerations To Help You Select Your New Dentist

It’s a big decision, you’re looking for a dentist. Whether for yourself, a loved one, or the whole family, finding a dentist that suits all your needs is a must! We will provide 4 tips, we think, are absolutely essential to consider when selecting your dental provider. Whether through us or through someone who fits your dental desires & needs more appropriately, Dr. Spath and our team are here for you and your health especially if you live in Corona Del Mar or the surrounding Newport Beach, CA areas.


Whether close to work or your home, the location of your preferred dentist should be considered when looking for a dentist. The office should be easily accessible, a manageable distance, and provide you with all your dental needs. Remember, the American Dental Association recommended two checkups a year, your general dentist should be


Treatments should be one of the main focuses in your search of finding a new dentist. Some may want a dentist for general treatments while others want cosmetic options too. Doesn’t matter your wants or needs, find a dentist that will fulfill those to the utmost intent and you will both be happy for many years to come. So sit down and plot out what’s important to you when making that trip to the dentist.


Not only is word-of-mouth a very valuable resource for finding a great dentist, but good online reviews matter, too! Before making that next appointment, resort to the internet for peers just like you and their experiences. Whether lackluster or through the roof excellent, these reviews will give you all you need to know about what experience you’re in store for… Just sayin’.

The Staff

Going to the dentist should be a personable experience and one that you enjoy. The staff makes all the difference. From the time you walk in all the way through treatment and follow-ups, every encounter should have you saying ‘wow’. With your next selection of dentist, be sure to stop on in and get to know the employees as well as the dentist, him or herself. They will be the ones taking care of you and directing you down a path of optimal oral health.

Simple enough right? Keep those four tell all factors in mind, and your next dentist is sure to be your last! Thanks for reading… until next time!

Dry, Cracked Corners of the Mouth: Angular Cheilitis

Have cracked corners of your mouth that are not healing? Is chapstick not doing the trick? A common problem that goes under diagnosed is a skin lesion called Angular Cheilitis. Angular cheilitis is a bacterial, fungal, or bacterial and fungal infection on one or both sides of your mouth. This bacteria and fungus is naturally present on healthy people, but is usually kept under control by our body’s immune system. However, if our immune system is weakened or if we have any type of mouth trauma it can make it easier for the bacteria and/or fungus that causes angular cheilitis to spread.

Angular Cheilitis Definition – Cheilitis is defined as a condition in which your lip becomes inflamed and irritated. Angular is defined as a corner or angle. So angular cheilitis’ literal definition is inflammation and irritation within your mouth corners. This is not contagious howerver it can spread from one corner of your mouth to another.

Treatment-Angular Chelitis can be easily treated by a dentist with a prescription topical antifungal or antibacterial ointments.

For more information visit:

Treat Cavities Without Pain or a Drill

We are proud to now offer silver diamine flouride to our newport beach patients. This procedure will literally stop cavities in their tracks without any drilling! It is recommended for elderly patients as well as children, so let’s get a better understanding of what it is..

What Is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver Diamine Fluoride (also known as SDF) is a clinically applied treatment that helps control dental caries. SDF also aids in preventing further progression and spread of the disease. Application of SDF is simple and noninvasive.

How Does It Work?

The affected teeth are brushed without paste and rinsed. The carious teeth are isolated, kept dry, and all excess debris is removed. SDF has a dual mechanism of action resulting from the combination of its ingredients. The silver component acts as an anti-microbial agent killing bacteria and preventing the formation of new biofilm, while the fluoride acts to prevent further demineralization of tooth structure. A microbrush is dipped in a drop of SDF and placed on the lesion(s) for two minutes. Then, excess SDF is removed and patients are instructed to not eat or drink for one hour.

Reasons For Choosing SDF

  • Stop/Prevent a Cavity Without Anesthesia or
  • Invasive Procedures
  • Very Cost Effective
  • Quick and Painless Procedure
  • Effective Results

For additional information or to ask questions, fill out our form below or give us a call at 949-979-6605

4 Surprising foods that are hurting your teeth

Ahhhhh food.. so good!

It’s no secret now that nutrition and health go hand in hand, but did you know some of those “healthy” choices aren’t that great for you mouth! Here are four foods that are meant to be healthier side yet are oral friendly..

1 ) Diet Soda

As advertised, diet soda is supposed to be the “healthy” option when drinking soda, but just due to the fact there is not sugar doesn’t make oral friendly either.. Acidity still remains prevalent in these drinks which is one of the most harmful options for your teeth. So put down the soda and grab some a cold glass of water. Your body and teeth will thank you!

2 ) Salad Dressing

Used most often as a condiment, salad dressings generally used ingredients that are easy to come by and less expensive. Ingredients like sugar as well as vinegar are great for taste, but can do some damage to your teeth…

Salads are a great option for any healthy diet, just be conscious of what’s in your dressing.

3 ) Bread

Ahh bread.. a go to favorite. and you’re probably thinking, what’s bread got to do with this? But when your consume bread, your saliva transforms the starches in the bread into sugary-paste that sticks in between and on your teeth. Food left on teeth is not what we want! If you do go the bread route, try types with no or less added sugar like wheat.

4 ) Dried Fruit

Sticky foods come in all shapes, sizes, forms, and “nutrient levels”. These feeds include things like candy, dried fruit, and gum for that matter.  If you do in fact resort to a sticky snack please follow up with a brushing, floss, and rinse with water. They get the name sticky for a reason and stay on your teeth much longer than other foods. This applies for dried fruit too!

While this list is only held to four different food types, the list is much longer as you can imagine. Be conscious of what you put into your mouth and if it is less than healthy take the necessary oral hygiene precautions after like brush and floss or even chew a piece of gum within 20 minutes of a snack / meal.

5 Work Habits that Ruin Your Teeth

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Often lost in thought, a result of stress, or simply trying to pass the time, bad habits in the office can do damage on your teeth. Here are 5 workplace habits that won’t leave you smiling.

  1. Chewing On Pens & Pencils. A nasty habit for both germs and teeth, chewing on pens or pencils is often done without us knowing. Making this a habit will wear down the edges of your teeth, cause sensitive, and could even lead to tooth fractures. Try snacking on something else!
  2. Using Teeth as Tools. When the tool we need is not readily available we often try our teeth, a habit which is not advised. Doing so can lead to chipping your teeth, compromising enamel, or breaking a tooth. Take the extra second and find the tool you’re looking for.
  3. Consistent Coffee. Coffee is hard on your teeth, yet so many of us drink it. Instead of getting rid of coffee, we suggest that you do nurse your cup of joe throughout the day. There are also other substitutes for caffeine like green tea. Try to eliminate the additives like sugar and always swish with a glass of water after.
  4. No Toothbrush at Work. Plaque doesn’t wait for you to get home to start forming. The longer it remains on your teeth the harder it is to remove. We recommend having a toothbrush in the office for when you get done with lunch or that morning cup of joe.
  5. Smoke Breaks. No surprise here, smoking is one of the unhealthiest habits one can have. Besides causing respiratory problems and lung cancer, smoking can lead to oral cancer, gum disease, tooth loss, and cavities. Ask your doctor for help on quitting.

If you suffer from these habits or have damage that needs to be repaired due to these habits, call us at (949) 612-2356 or fill out our contact form![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

6 Dentist Recommended Foods for Oral & Overall Health

Everyone appreciates a beautiful smile, it transcends cultures, economic levels, and exudes an infectious happiness to all those it surrounds. Those pearly whites are not just for show, and many of us underestimate the impact of overall health that runs through our mouth. It’s a testament of the old saying “you are what you eat.” Choose to treat your body well and it will return the favor. From how you handle oral hygiene to what foods you eat, it’s a simple fact- you’ll get out what you put in.

With that said, everyone on this planet gravitates to tasty food. And for that reason as well as good health reasons, we’ve compiled a list of 6 dental friendly, gut friendly, and overall health friendly foods proven serve your body well.


A quick slimming favorite, yogurt comes packed with probiotics, or bacteria that help your stomach digest, and helps the amount of fat your body absorbs. When picking a yogurt, always go for a greek yogurt of the traditional kind and be sure to find a brand that is low in sugar. Greek yogurt comes in both nonfat or low-fat versions and contain only half as much sodium as regular yogurt with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

  • Promotes healthy bacteria for the stomach and gums
  • Reduces amount of fat your body absorbs
  • High in protein
  • Calcium strengthens teeth
  • Fights cavities by reducing mouth acidity

Eggs Whites

As previously mentioned, dairy products are quite beneficial for teeth and in moderation do wonders for the waistline. Eggs are a great source of inexpensive, high quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.

  • Contain calcium and fluoride that promote healthy tooth enamel
  • RIch in selenium, Vitamin D, B2, B6, B12, Zinc and Copper
  • Low in fat & cholesterol


Fantastic because it nearly goes with everything, quinoa offers a rice-like substitute to most dishes. Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and contains a lot of fantastic nutrients like iron, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin E and fiber. Furthermore, it is one of only a few plant foods that are considered a complete protein and comprised of all pernine essential amino acids.

  • Low in fat & cholesterol
  • Gluten Free
  • Promotes healthy tooth enamel
  • High in protein, amino acids, vitamins, and fiber

Chia Seeds

A miracle worker in the form of a tiny seed, chia seeds are packed with calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin A and zinc. Zinc prevents tartar by keeping plaque from mineralizing onto your teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps bad breath germs away. Vitamin A and phosphorus are also important for strong teeth and a healthy mouth. Chia seeds do wonders for digestive health, energy levels, muscular health, bone strength, heart health, skin, and even have been linked to fighting cancer as well as curing diabetes!

  • Defends against plaque build up
  • Vitamin A and Phosphorus for a healthy mouth & enamel
  • Countless benefits for the body inside & out (stomach, bone, skin, hair, and heart)


Among the healthiest foods on the planet, fish are loaded with important nutrients, such as protein and vitamin D. Furthermore, fish is also the world’s best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for your body, brain, and even combat oral pathogens!

  • Helps prevents against cell damage
  • Fights against arthritis and improves bone density
  • Aids with depression
  • Increases cardiovascular health
  • Excellent source of vitamin D
  • omega-3 fish oils DHA and EPA can reduce the risk of periodontitis


Extremely low in fat and calories, vegetables don’t often make the cut in the modern diet. Vegetables are crunchy- and firm foods generally contain lots of water and require a generous amount of chewing. Foods that fall into this category are good for oral health because they stimulate the production and flow of saliva and actually scrub tooth surfaces, brightening your pearly whites! Veggies are great for the mouth, gut, and overall health because they are packed with nutrients our bodies thrive off of.

  • Act as nature’s floss
  • Low in calories and contain no cholesterol
  • May reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke
  • Rich in fiber and may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes

At the end of the day the best care is preventative care. What you put into your body is what you’re going to get out of it! These 6 foods are the some of the leaders in helping you heal your gut, shed pounds, and take care of your mouth all at the same time. Invest in your mouth, gut, and health!

Toothpaste Guide to the Galaxy

As we all know biannual checkups to the dentist are a must, but what about the in between time? You should be doing your part brushing, flossing, and mouthwash rinses are common recommendations to keep oral care. However, if you’re picky or have sensitive teeth, it can become quite cumbersome when choosing a toothpaste for you. When the time comes, take these recommendations down the aisle with you:

For Whitening

Nearly all brands highlight the fact they offer a whitening benefit of using their toothpaste, but some products embody harsh contents to achieve this whitening feature. Be aware of whats in your toothpaste so prevent it from causing further issues like sensitivity. Most whitening pastes are not recommended for anyone under the age of 18. It’s key to consult your dentist before making a choice.

For Tarter Control

Tarter is an unsightly phenomenon that affect some people more than others. Regardless of your situation, fighting tarter and tarter build up is key for proper oral health. These toothpastes are proficient at deterring tarter before its become more difficult to remove plaque.

For Kids

Kids should have their own toothpaste. A toothpaste that is made for their young teeth. As they grow so should the choice in toothpaste that they use. Safe toothpastes for kids offer features that are specifically designed for children like swallow safe, additional flavors, and contain less fluoride.

For Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth are an annoyance for any who suffer from them. Fortunately there’s a toothpaste for that. To ease discomfort from cold or hot foods, these toothpastes use potassium nitrate or strontium chlorides to reduce the nerve sensitivity with your teeth and ease the pain.

Always be positive that your toothpaste now and future ones you buy are approved by the American Dental Association and set a good example for kids by brushing your teeth twice daily. Feel free to contact our Newport Beach office for help with choosing your toothpaste.