Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

Today’s toothbrush has not strayed from the original 1930s design as the core concept has yet to change. Until the 1990s, the toothbrush finally had a competitor of an automatic kind. This, of course, being the electric toothbrush which offers a different method for oral hygiene. Since the manual and electric toothbrushes have been sharing the playing field it has often been debated which works better. Here are some pros and cons of each brush:

Manual Toothbrush


  • Your teeth will be clean with the correct technique. Brushing only takes 2 minutes and you can most definitely keep your teeth at a grade A+ level with a manual toothbrush.
  • Multiple brush styles, bristles, heads and colors to choose from. There are countless colors, style, and more to choose from. Whether you have soft gums or a smaller mouth, there’s a toothbrush out the for you to pick from.
  • Easy travel. All you need is your toothbrush and toothpaste for your trip. Batteries or charging outlets aren’t a thing with a manual toothbrush.
  • No batteries or charging to worry about.
  • Inexpensive. Manual toothbrushes are often free when you visit your dentist or cheap when buying over the counter.


  • Increased work. They’re called manual for a reason.
  • No Timer Mechanism. Unlike Electric brushes, manual toothbrushes require you to time your brushing duration.

Electric Toothbrush


  • Simple to use. A powered toothbrush is very easy to use. Place the toothbrush at a 45° angle and cover each area evenly.
  • Lighter work for better results. Electric toothbrushes have shown in studies to do a better job than manual brushes.
  • Kids have more fun. Like any chore, children do necessarily like doing them, but with an electric toothbrush it brings some excitement to the task and keeps its regulated for brushing time.
  • Desired brushing time. With a built in timer, electric toothbrushes will manage the doctor recommend two minutes every time!


  • Charging. Your toothbrush will require to be plugged in to charge or have its batteries replaced every so often.
  • Increased Cost. Contrary to Manual toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes cost much more than a manual toothbrush.
  • Travel dilemmas. Traveling with an electric toothbrush can be a hassle as they are generally bulkier and require additional room for chargers.
  • Easier to break. Just like an electronics, a drop can result in it not working anymore. Your electric toothbrush is no different so be careful of how its handled.

Studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are much more effective than manual ones as they remove more plaque and fight gum disease more effectively. Studies aside, your oral health can remain healthy as long you take the time to brush your teeth properly. If you need some guidance in finding the right toothbrush for you, feel free to contact our Newport Beach Dental Office today.

Signs, Symptoms, & Prevention of TMJ

To prevent TMJ first we must know what exactly is it. TMJ, or the Temporomandibular Joint, is the joint which connects the jawbone to the skull. Upon injury or inflammation, the temporomandibular joint can causes an assortment of side effects which should not go unnoticed. For instance, pain can arise to the mouth or mandible area during chewing along with a popping or clicking of the jaw. If untreated, the TMJ symptoms can progressively worsen to swelling of the face, headaches, nerve inflammation, tooth grinding, or even causing the joint to dislocate.

Signs & Symptoms

As stated above, the TMJ syndrome most common symptom is pain the jaw joint, but others may include:

  • A pop or click in the jaw
  • Cracking sounds, ringing, or pain in the ear
  • Persistent headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Neck or jaw stiffness
  • Facial pain, numbing or tingling in chin or cheeks
  • Tongue discomfort or pain
  • Temple area pain, swelling, or lumps
  • Pain in Shoulder
  • Lockjaw or Jaw dislocation
  • Dizziness up standing or vertigo

Prevention Methods

Symptoms can come and go depending how you live your life, how you manage symptoms, and how you manage stress.

  • Consume soft foods
  • Don’t chew gum
  • Focus on good poster
  • Manage stress
  • Correct Jaw Issues like misalignment
  • Wear protective equipment when playing sports or exercising

TMJ is an unfortunately muscle disorder that can causes daily disruptions. Be sure to treat your symptoms early before they grow worse. If you need some tips or advice about TMJ, contact our newport beach office.

Choosing a Family and Cosmetic Dentist

Choosing a dentist for you and your family can be a daunting task.. What do I need? What do the kids need? Is there a dentist that can cover us for years to come? We’ve found a few helpful tips for your selection process.

Family Dentistry

Upon selecting a dentist for your family, it is key to find one with proper training and experience to meet the needs of your family’s dental needs. Here are a few necessary items when looking for a family dentist:

  • Training
  • Experience
  • Services
  • Atmosphere

Read Full Description

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is often misunderstood simply for the fact that some people don’t know their even doing it! From whitening, to shaping, and veneers, cosmetic dentistry is very rewarding for patients. It gives them a second chance at the smile they deserve. Dr. Spath is proud to offer the following cosmetic dentistry solutions:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Bonding
  • Implants

Read Full Description

To learn whether you and your family could use our dental services, contact Dr. Spath who will guide you down the right dental path at (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email.

DIY Dental Care

At home, between check-ups!

There is no substitute for seeing your dentist for regular checkups at least twice a year. The dental care they provide, in state-of-the-art facilities, with high tech equipment, is not something you can replicate at home.

There are, however, many things you can do at home (DIY) between visits.

dental DIY recipes for good teeth health

DIY Quick Tips at a Glance

#1 Green Drinks!

They’re everywhere these days. Most juice bars (think Jamba Juice) have them. Your local grocery store should have a version or two (we know Trader Joe’s does!) and you can make them at home. Green drinks and juices can be easily found AND they don’t have to taste bad. With added fruits such as pineapple and apple, green drinks offer a little sweetness with a powerful pack of nutrients.

green smoothy


According to one of our favorite sources, Dr. Ax, a doctor of natural medicine and clinical nutritionist, the enzymes in green drinks provides protection from tooth decay and plaque formation.

DIY Tip:

Pick one up at your favorite juice bar location or make one at home & drink away!

A Quick Recipe

In a juicer blend the following: 

  • 2 Apples
  • 3 Kale spears

Transfer to a blender & blend in:

  • 1 Banana
  • ½ Mango
  • 1 Ripe Peach

Add coconut milk or fresh juice for volume and YUM!

Don’t have a juicer?

That’s okay, you can pick up this same combo at your local juice shop. Just ask!

healthy food for healthy teeth

#2 Healthy Food!

From Superfoods to raw, wholesome fruits & vegetables; healthy food is our biggest DIY oral health asset. They are readily available and, when consumed daily, work in our best defense for a healthy mouth. So which foods rank as the top choices for a healthy diet?

  1. Wild-caught fish such as salmon and mackerel
  2. Raw foods such as carrots and apples
  3. Foods with a high level of fat soluble vitamins like coconut and bone broth.


These healthy foods help fight gum disease in various ways.

Wild-caught fish contains beneficial Omega-3’s that reduce inflammation, while fresh, raw vegetables help clean teeth while we eat them. Additionally, the really great benefits of fat-soluble vitamins from foods like coconut and bone broth help to fight gingivitis. How cool is that?

Foods can aid with good oral hygiene and help us out! Do It Yourself!

DIY Tip:

Go to the farmer’s market, fill your bags with fresh produce & eat more healthy food!

DIY Healthy Foods [Sample] Grocery List:

  • Wild Salmon
  • Celery
  • Apples
  • Coconut
  • Grass-Fed Beef
  • Carrots
  • Raw Milk
  • Almonds
  • Strawberries
  • Sardines
  • Bone Broth
  • Broccoli

Add in healthy foods like almonds, raw milk and Kale for a well-rounded variety!
Note: This grocery list is intended as a sample to get you started as a helpful part of your DIY Dental Care.

teeth whitening in newport beach

#3 Dentist Offered At-Home Whitening Kits

While there definitely are ways to whiten your teeth with peroxide based products, many processes are unclear, potentially unsafe and often don’t provide long-lasting results. It may seem convenient, quick and easy to take it upon yourself to follow an at home recipe; in fact, it could work! However, the safest way to ensure the best results at home are with kits that your dentist dispenses.


As we mentioned above, results with products and recipes that you find through alternative resources may or may not provide good results. On the other hand, with at-home whitening kits directly from your dentist, you can be confident that you are getting a product that your dentist believes in, one that will give you the results you are looking for.

DIY Tip:

Check in with your dentist and purchase a kit directly from a professional.

Teeth Whitening Trays in Newport Beach California

DIY Teeth Whitening Considerations:

While at home kits can give you immediate results in the comfort of your own home, there are other factors to consider with keeping your teeth white.

  • Stay Hydrated!

If you are drinking more water it is less likely that you will choose other types of drinks that can stain your teeth. Also, water helps keep bacteria from building up on your teeth.

  • Ensure Best Results.

Your dentist will be able to provide you with detailed instructions and a customized whitening tray. Be sure to follow directions completely.

  • Know the Alternatives!

DIY kits from your dentist are a great way to take care of your teeth-whitening needs at home, it’s true. However, if you are not comfortable doing it yourself, please trust your dentist to take care of your whitening needs in-office. Consider these reasons for allowing us to help with your whitening needs – Click Here

With all of these DIY tips, we encourage you to do what it takes to take care of your teeth in between checkups, with confidence, at home.

You can Do-It-Yourself! As usual, we are always here for you, CALL US for any help you may need.

Other posts you may like:

10 Dental Facts You Might Not Know

Do you know what percentage of your daily teeth cleaning is MISSED if you don’t floss in conjunction with brushing? Would you believe it’s nearly 1/2 !?! That’s right, if you only brush you are missing 40% of your tooth’s surface. Read more Dental Facts from this infographic to make sure you are doing the best job you can in your oral health care.

Poor Dental Hygiene & Your Body

The effects of poor dental hygiene on your body go way beyond your mouth. Take a closer look at this infographic to find out what parts of your body are at risk if you don’t take care of your teeth.

Teeth Whitening Tips & Solutions

Dr Spath put together this great (short) video to help you understand the differences between today’s leading teeth whitening options to determine which solution may be right for you.

Different whitening options and their advantages:

Crest White Strips and other over the counter whitening systems.


  • Ease of access
  • Cost


  • Results
  • Comfort
  • Patient compliance

Whitening trays:


  • Under doctor supervision
  • Can be used repeatedly over time for a better result
  • Cost effective


  • Can require multiple uses
  • Patient compliance

In office whitening:


  • Under doctor’s supervision
  • Best results with single use


  • It is only a single use so the results are the results and can require multiple visits.

Contact our Newport Beach dental office to learn more on the options available and which one is right for you: (949) 612-2356

Your Smile Matters

It’s the first thing that people see when they meet you; when you start your day at work, when you pass folks on the street or say hi at the grocery store. Your smile is what your family sees when you greet each other in the morning and hopefully it’s what YOU see when you are waking up and looking in the mirror. Your smile matters!

You’ll want to keep your smile bright, so you can keep it going. Day after day, year after year. We’d like to help you with that, to keep smiling. We want you to feel confident when you show your pearly whites as an expression of yourself.

So how can we help?

In addition to  regular 6-month checkup with your dentist, we have put together this list to help you keep decay away.  

Home Fluoride Rinse

Use a non-acidic oral rinse. The mouth already has an acidic environment, so choosing a rinse that is non-acidic is more helpful for preventing decay.

Xylitol Gum

Xylitol helps with fighting tooth decay in many ways, here are just two examples:

  1. It increases salivary flow, which aids in repairing damaged tooth enamel.
  2. It reduces plaque formation. There is a ton of information you can research about this helpful way to keep decay away.


Fluoride Varnish

This topical solution is used on the surface; it has been found to help re-mineralize teeth. For the most effectiveness, this should be applied twice a year at your dental visits.

h20 Instead of Sugary Drinks

Water is a healthier choice over sugary drinks for many reasons. When it comes to decay, sugary drinks can be acidic and cause enamel erosion, water does not. Also, water helps to wash away leftover food and help stave off bacteria from forming on teeth.


Brush, Brush, Brush!

After every meal is the preferred choice for brushing (followed by flossing, of course!) but at least twice a day. We have provided resources in a previous blog post about choosing the right toothpaste, be sure to re-visit this information if you are unsure.

A Healthy Diet

You will want to make sure that you are eating foods that are rich in the following:

  1. Calcium (yogurt, greens & legumes)
  2. Vitamin D (poultry, fish & eggs)
  3. Minerals (such as phosphorus, magnesium & vitamin A)

Additionally: Choose foods that do not contain, or that are low in sugar. These contribute to tooth decay in a significant way.

Tooth decay is preventable if you take measures against it. While it’s true that you must make your hygiene appointments a priority (don’t skip your hygiene appointments!!!), we are only part of the effort to keep you smiling. Your efforts and daily care are ultimately what will make the difference. Remember, your smile matters!


Oral Pathogens – What Are They?

Simply put, Oral Pathogens are bacteria in the mouth that often produce disease. While some bacteria are beneficial to your overall mouth health, pathogens are not! The 2 most common types of oral pathogens are:

1. Streptococcus Mutans

You have probably heard of streptococcus before in relation to nasty sore throats. When it comes to your teeth, what you need to know is that Streptococcus mutans feed off the starches and sugars left in your mouth from the food that you eat. These insatiable bacteria produce acids that erode your tooth enamel. Yikes! They are the leading cause of tooth decay for most individuals.

Best Defense: Good Oral Hygiene

2. Porphyromonas Gingivalis

The good news is that this pathogen is not typically found in a healthy mouth. But, when it is present, it is likely from Periodontitis; a disease that disrupts the tissue in the mouth and affects the bone. This should not be taken lightly as it causes pain and eventually, can lead to tooth loss.

Best Defense: Regular Check-Ups

Oral Pathogens – Risk Factors at a Glance: Oral Pathogens are a concern for your mouth and for other parts of your body as well. Gone unchecked, these pathogens and the toxins they produce can move into your bloodstream and affect parts of your anatomy that include; your heart, arteries and central nervous system. If that’s not enough, some studies suggest that 50% of heart attacks are triggered by oral pathogens. Now that you know what oral pathogens are…..what’s the bottom line? Simple, brush regularly, floss daily and get regular check-ups. Your entire body depends on it! Contact our office today to schedule your check-up: (949) 612-2356 Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS – “We Exist to Enhance Quality of Life”