How To Evaluate & Select Your New Dentist

4 Considerations To Help You Select Your New Dentist

It’s a big decision, you’re looking for a dentist. Whether for yourself, a loved one, or the whole family, finding a dentist that suits all your needs is a must! We will provide 4 tips, we think, are absolutely essential to consider when selecting your dental provider. Whether through us or through someone who fits your dental desires & needs more appropriately, Dr. Spath and our team are here for you and your health especially if you live in Corona Del Mar or the surrounding Newport Beach, CA areas.


Whether close to work or your home, the location of your preferred dentist should be considered when looking for a dentist. The office should be easily accessible, a manageable distance, and provide you with all your dental needs. Remember, the American Dental Association recommended two checkups a year, your general dentist should be


Treatments should be one of the main focuses in your search of finding a new dentist. Some may want a dentist for general treatments while others want cosmetic options too. Doesn’t matter your wants or needs, find a dentist that will fulfill those to the utmost intent and you will both be happy for many years to come. So sit down and plot out what’s important to you when making that trip to the dentist.


Not only is word-of-mouth a very valuable resource for finding a great dentist, but good online reviews matter, too! Before making that next appointment, resort to the internet for peers just like you and their experiences. Whether lackluster or through the roof excellent, these reviews will give you all you need to know about what experience you’re in store for… Just sayin’.

The Staff

Going to the dentist should be a personable experience and one that you enjoy. The staff makes all the difference. From the time you walk in all the way through treatment and follow-ups, every encounter should have you saying ‘wow’. With your next selection of dentist, be sure to stop on in and get to know the employees as well as the dentist, him or herself. They will be the ones taking care of you and directing you down a path of optimal oral health.

Simple enough right? Keep those four tell all factors in mind, and your next dentist is sure to be your last! Thanks for reading… until next time!

Use It or Lose It: Dental Insurance Benefits

Guess what? Fall is upon us whether you’re ready for it or not.. That means so is a new year! Believe it, 2019 is right around the corner and, I’m sure, when you’re thinking of end of the year plans, the dentist doesn’t come to mind.. With that said, knowing these knowing the 5 money-saving facts might just change your schedule before January first..

Before we get started, here is a brief overview of how benefits work..

Benefits don’t always roll over and most plans renew in January. Every year, countless people lose hundreds of unused benefits they have already paid for. The typical dental plan runs on the traditional calendar year, meaning from January – January. However depending when you sign up, some opt to do the fiscal route. Check with your provider of when your plan begins and ends, it could save you hundreds and here’s how!

1) Yearly Maximum

A yearly maximum is the amount of money a dental insurance plan is willing to cover within one full insurance year. Your plan and company will dictate the amount and sometimes they do varies, but the average generally is around $1,000 a person / a year. So check with your provider to see when your maximum renews itself. If not used, benefits will go to waste when the new insurance year starts!

2) Plan Deductible

A deductible is the amount of money required “out of pocket” to your dentist before your insurance benefits kick in. Deductible fees will depend on plan, coverage, or if you see an “out of network” dentist. However, the average plan deductible for insurance is around $50 per year. The deductible will renew itself when the insurance year is over just like the maximum.

3) Premiums

Regardless if dental treatments are needed, you should always have a 6 month check up! This check up is to prevent and detect early signs of disease, cancer, cavities, or any other potential problems. In addition, most people are already paying premiums each month.. So you might as well use the benefits receive!

4) Fees Increases

Generally insurance plans never stay the same for the next year which is another reason to use your benefits. At the beginning of the year some insurance companies and dentists raise rates at the beginning of the year due to additional overhead or other mitigating factors. These fees aren’t always included to monthly payments either, copay costs are also susceptible to increase. Schedule your appointment while your costs are fixed.

5) Oral Health Issues

6 month check ups are vital to maintaining your oral and overall health for years to come. These checkups save patients money because they stop problems very early before the can worsen into a major problem!

With that in mind, don’t be foolish- use what you pay for! Before it’s too late, schedule your appointment to keep you and your wallet smiling.

Treat Cavities Without Pain or a Drill

We are proud to now offer silver diamine flouride to our newport beach patients. This procedure will literally stop cavities in their tracks without any drilling! It is recommended for elderly patients as well as children, so let’s get a better understanding of what it is..

What Is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver Diamine Fluoride (also known as SDF) is a clinically applied treatment that helps control dental caries. SDF also aids in preventing further progression and spread of the disease. Application of SDF is simple and noninvasive.

How Does It Work?

The affected teeth are brushed without paste and rinsed. The carious teeth are isolated, kept dry, and all excess debris is removed. SDF has a dual mechanism of action resulting from the combination of its ingredients. The silver component acts as an anti-microbial agent killing bacteria and preventing the formation of new biofilm, while the fluoride acts to prevent further demineralization of tooth structure. A microbrush is dipped in a drop of SDF and placed on the lesion(s) for two minutes. Then, excess SDF is removed and patients are instructed to not eat or drink for one hour.

Reasons For Choosing SDF

  • Stop/Prevent a Cavity Without Anesthesia or
  • Invasive Procedures
  • Very Cost Effective
  • Quick and Painless Procedure
  • Effective Results

For additional information or to ask questions, fill out our form below or give us a call at 949-979-6605

4 Surprising foods that are hurting your teeth

Ahhhhh food.. so good!

It’s no secret now that nutrition and health go hand in hand, but did you know some of those “healthy” choices aren’t that great for you mouth! Here are four foods that are meant to be healthier side yet are oral friendly..

1 ) Diet Soda

As advertised, diet soda is supposed to be the “healthy” option when drinking soda, but just due to the fact there is not sugar doesn’t make oral friendly either.. Acidity still remains prevalent in these drinks which is one of the most harmful options for your teeth. So put down the soda and grab some a cold glass of water. Your body and teeth will thank you!

2 ) Salad Dressing

Used most often as a condiment, salad dressings generally used ingredients that are easy to come by and less expensive. Ingredients like sugar as well as vinegar are great for taste, but can do some damage to your teeth…

Salads are a great option for any healthy diet, just be conscious of what’s in your dressing.

3 ) Bread

Ahh bread.. a go to favorite. and you’re probably thinking, what’s bread got to do with this? But when your consume bread, your saliva transforms the starches in the bread into sugary-paste that sticks in between and on your teeth. Food left on teeth is not what we want! If you do go the bread route, try types with no or less added sugar like wheat.

4 ) Dried Fruit

Sticky foods come in all shapes, sizes, forms, and “nutrient levels”. These feeds include things like candy, dried fruit, and gum for that matter.  If you do in fact resort to a sticky snack please follow up with a brushing, floss, and rinse with water. They get the name sticky for a reason and stay on your teeth much longer than other foods. This applies for dried fruit too!

While this list is only held to four different food types, the list is much longer as you can imagine. Be conscious of what you put into your mouth and if it is less than healthy take the necessary oral hygiene precautions after like brush and floss or even chew a piece of gum within 20 minutes of a snack / meal.

6 Dentist Recommended Foods for Oral & Overall Health

Everyone appreciates a beautiful smile, it transcends cultures, economic levels, and exudes an infectious happiness to all those it surrounds. Those pearly whites are not just for show, and many of us underestimate the impact of overall health that runs through our mouth. It’s a testament of the old saying “you are what you eat.” Choose to treat your body well and it will return the favor. From how you handle oral hygiene to what foods you eat, it’s a simple fact- you’ll get out what you put in.

With that said, everyone on this planet gravitates to tasty food. And for that reason as well as good health reasons, we’ve compiled a list of 6 dental friendly, gut friendly, and overall health friendly foods proven serve your body well.


A quick slimming favorite, yogurt comes packed with probiotics, or bacteria that help your stomach digest, and helps the amount of fat your body absorbs. When picking a yogurt, always go for a greek yogurt of the traditional kind and be sure to find a brand that is low in sugar. Greek yogurt comes in both nonfat or low-fat versions and contain only half as much sodium as regular yogurt with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

  • Promotes healthy bacteria for the stomach and gums
  • Reduces amount of fat your body absorbs
  • High in protein
  • Calcium strengthens teeth
  • Fights cavities by reducing mouth acidity

Eggs Whites

As previously mentioned, dairy products are quite beneficial for teeth and in moderation do wonders for the waistline. Eggs are a great source of inexpensive, high quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.

  • Contain calcium and fluoride that promote healthy tooth enamel
  • RIch in selenium, Vitamin D, B2, B6, B12, Zinc and Copper
  • Low in fat & cholesterol


Fantastic because it nearly goes with everything, quinoa offers a rice-like substitute to most dishes. Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and contains a lot of fantastic nutrients like iron, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin E and fiber. Furthermore, it is one of only a few plant foods that are considered a complete protein and comprised of all pernine essential amino acids.

  • Low in fat & cholesterol
  • Gluten Free
  • Promotes healthy tooth enamel
  • High in protein, amino acids, vitamins, and fiber

Chia Seeds

A miracle worker in the form of a tiny seed, chia seeds are packed with calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin A and zinc. Zinc prevents tartar by keeping plaque from mineralizing onto your teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps bad breath germs away. Vitamin A and phosphorus are also important for strong teeth and a healthy mouth. Chia seeds do wonders for digestive health, energy levels, muscular health, bone strength, heart health, skin, and even have been linked to fighting cancer as well as curing diabetes!

  • Defends against plaque build up
  • Vitamin A and Phosphorus for a healthy mouth & enamel
  • Countless benefits for the body inside & out (stomach, bone, skin, hair, and heart)


Among the healthiest foods on the planet, fish are loaded with important nutrients, such as protein and vitamin D. Furthermore, fish is also the world’s best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for your body, brain, and even combat oral pathogens!

  • Helps prevents against cell damage
  • Fights against arthritis and improves bone density
  • Aids with depression
  • Increases cardiovascular health
  • Excellent source of vitamin D
  • omega-3 fish oils DHA and EPA can reduce the risk of periodontitis


Extremely low in fat and calories, vegetables don’t often make the cut in the modern diet. Vegetables are crunchy- and firm foods generally contain lots of water and require a generous amount of chewing. Foods that fall into this category are good for oral health because they stimulate the production and flow of saliva and actually scrub tooth surfaces, brightening your pearly whites! Veggies are great for the mouth, gut, and overall health because they are packed with nutrients our bodies thrive off of.

  • Act as nature’s floss
  • Low in calories and contain no cholesterol
  • May reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke
  • Rich in fiber and may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes

At the end of the day the best care is preventative care. What you put into your body is what you’re going to get out of it! These 6 foods are the some of the leaders in helping you heal your gut, shed pounds, and take care of your mouth all at the same time. Invest in your mouth, gut, and health!

Toothpaste Guide to the Galaxy

As we all know biannual checkups to the dentist are a must, but what about the in between time? You should be doing your part brushing, flossing, and mouthwash rinses are common recommendations to keep oral care. However, if you’re picky or have sensitive teeth, it can become quite cumbersome when choosing a toothpaste for you. When the time comes, take these recommendations down the aisle with you:

For Whitening

Nearly all brands highlight the fact they offer a whitening benefit of using their toothpaste, but some products embody harsh contents to achieve this whitening feature. Be aware of whats in your toothpaste so prevent it from causing further issues like sensitivity. Most whitening pastes are not recommended for anyone under the age of 18. It’s key to consult your dentist before making a choice.

For Tarter Control

Tarter is an unsightly phenomenon that affect some people more than others. Regardless of your situation, fighting tarter and tarter build up is key for proper oral health. These toothpastes are proficient at deterring tarter before its become more difficult to remove plaque.

For Kids

Kids should have their own toothpaste. A toothpaste that is made for their young teeth. As they grow so should the choice in toothpaste that they use. Safe toothpastes for kids offer features that are specifically designed for children like swallow safe, additional flavors, and contain less fluoride.

For Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth are an annoyance for any who suffer from them. Fortunately there’s a toothpaste for that. To ease discomfort from cold or hot foods, these toothpastes use potassium nitrate or strontium chlorides to reduce the nerve sensitivity with your teeth and ease the pain.

Always be positive that your toothpaste now and future ones you buy are approved by the American Dental Association and set a good example for kids by brushing your teeth twice daily. Feel free to contact our Newport Beach office for help with choosing your toothpaste.

Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

Today’s toothbrush has not strayed from the original 1930s design as the core concept has yet to change. Until the 1990s, the toothbrush finally had a competitor of an automatic kind. This, of course, being the electric toothbrush which offers a different method for oral hygiene. Since the manual and electric toothbrushes have been sharing the playing field it has often been debated which works better. Here are some pros and cons of each brush:

Manual Toothbrush


  • Your teeth will be clean with the correct technique. Brushing only takes 2 minutes and you can most definitely keep your teeth at a grade A+ level with a manual toothbrush.
  • Multiple brush styles, bristles, heads and colors to choose from. There are countless colors, style, and more to choose from. Whether you have soft gums or a smaller mouth, there’s a toothbrush out the for you to pick from.
  • Easy travel. All you need is your toothbrush and toothpaste for your trip. Batteries or charging outlets aren’t a thing with a manual toothbrush.
  • No batteries or charging to worry about.
  • Inexpensive. Manual toothbrushes are often free when you visit your dentist or cheap when buying over the counter.


  • Increased work. They’re called manual for a reason.
  • No Timer Mechanism. Unlike Electric brushes, manual toothbrushes require you to time your brushing duration.

Electric Toothbrush


  • Simple to use. A powered toothbrush is very easy to use. Place the toothbrush at a 45° angle and cover each area evenly.
  • Lighter work for better results. Electric toothbrushes have shown in studies to do a better job than manual brushes.
  • Kids have more fun. Like any chore, children do necessarily like doing them, but with an electric toothbrush it brings some excitement to the task and keeps its regulated for brushing time.
  • Desired brushing time. With a built in timer, electric toothbrushes will manage the doctor recommend two minutes every time!


  • Charging. Your toothbrush will require to be plugged in to charge or have its batteries replaced every so often.
  • Increased Cost. Contrary to Manual toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes cost much more than a manual toothbrush.
  • Travel dilemmas. Traveling with an electric toothbrush can be a hassle as they are generally bulkier and require additional room for chargers.
  • Easier to break. Just like an electronics, a drop can result in it not working anymore. Your electric toothbrush is no different so be careful of how its handled.

Studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are much more effective than manual ones as they remove more plaque and fight gum disease more effectively. Studies aside, your oral health can remain healthy as long you take the time to brush your teeth properly. If you need some guidance in finding the right toothbrush for you, feel free to contact our Newport Beach Dental Office today.

Signs, Symptoms, & Prevention of TMJ

To prevent TMJ first we must know what exactly is it. TMJ, or the Temporomandibular Joint, is the joint which connects the jawbone to the skull. Upon injury or inflammation, the temporomandibular joint can causes an assortment of side effects which should not go unnoticed. For instance, pain can arise to the mouth or mandible area during chewing along with a popping or clicking of the jaw. If untreated, the TMJ symptoms can progressively worsen to swelling of the face, headaches, nerve inflammation, tooth grinding, or even causing the joint to dislocate.

Signs & Symptoms

As stated above, the TMJ syndrome most common symptom is pain the jaw joint, but others may include:

  • A pop or click in the jaw
  • Cracking sounds, ringing, or pain in the ear
  • Persistent headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Neck or jaw stiffness
  • Facial pain, numbing or tingling in chin or cheeks
  • Tongue discomfort or pain
  • Temple area pain, swelling, or lumps
  • Pain in Shoulder
  • Lockjaw or Jaw dislocation
  • Dizziness up standing or vertigo

Prevention Methods

Symptoms can come and go depending how you live your life, how you manage symptoms, and how you manage stress.

  • Consume soft foods
  • Don’t chew gum
  • Focus on good poster
  • Manage stress
  • Correct Jaw Issues like misalignment
  • Wear protective equipment when playing sports or exercising

TMJ is an unfortunately muscle disorder that can causes daily disruptions. Be sure to treat your symptoms early before they grow worse. If you need some tips or advice about TMJ, contact our newport beach office.

Choosing a Family and Cosmetic Dentist

Choosing a dentist for you and your family can be a daunting task.. What do I need? What do the kids need? Is there a dentist that can cover us for years to come? We’ve found a few helpful tips for your selection process.

Family Dentistry

Upon selecting a dentist for your family, it is key to find one with proper training and experience to meet the needs of your family’s dental needs. Here are a few necessary items when looking for a family dentist:

  • Training
  • Experience
  • Services
  • Atmosphere

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is often misunderstood simply for the fact that some people don’t know their even doing it! From whitening, to shaping, and veneers, cosmetic dentistry is very rewarding for patients. It gives them a second chance at the smile they deserve. Dr. Spath is proud to offer the following cosmetic dentistry solutions:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Bonding
  • Implants

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To learn whether you and your family could use our dental services, contact Dr. Spath who will guide you down the right dental path at (949) 612-2356 or reach us via our email.

Quinesha’s New Smile

If you’re reading this post I would bet that you most likely have never asked yourself these questions:

  • What would life be like without a smile?
  • How long would I survive with severe oral pain that limits my nutritional intake?
  • What would I do if my dental team abandoned me with braces for a decade?

These are real questions, and similar ones are asked by millions of individuals around the world – and we had the pleasure of helping an amazing individual named Quinesha overcome similar circumstances thanks to our partnership with SmileOnU.

SmileOnU is a non-profit organization with a mission to help the world to SMILE. The organization provides dental care locally in the Newport Beach area as well as around the world through their dental relief missions.

Quinisha came to see us at our Newport Beach dental office as a hardship case from Orangewood Children Home. Her story is an amazing accomplishment of overcoming circumstance.

In short she was in braces for 10 years after being abandoned by her orthodontist. She came to our office with broken and decayed teeth in braces that had not been adjusted for nearly a decade. With the assistance of Digiovanni Orthodontics we removed her braces, place several dental implants, removed hyperplastic tissue with gum surgery and restored nearly every tooth in her mouth.

Quinisha has since used her smile as motivation to take better care of herself and has lost over 60lbs. This case brought great joy to our entire staff which is why we have decided to partner with SmileOnU again in early 2016.

We will be heading on a Dental Relief Mission to Nicaragua to provide much needed dental care to over 400 patients. Please click the graphic below to learn more about this amazing mission that will help change the lives of so many.

Be sure to embrace your smile today – not everyone is so fortunate.