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6 Tasty Snacks to Eat During National Snack Month

Did you know that February is National Snack Month? From chips and crackers to apples and bananas, everyone loves to have a quick bite. However, few people consider the impact that snacking can have on their dental health.

How Snacking Impacts Your Teeth

Everyone wants to be healthy. In addition to making sure your snacks are part of a well-rounded diet, you should also consider how they’ll affect your smile. That’s why Spath Dentistry is shedding light on snacking and its effects on oral hygiene.

The Best Snacking Habits

In addition to keeping tabs on what you’re eating, be sure to take note of its sugar content and acidity. Oranges, for example, are a healthy choice, but their acidity may eventually leave you needing to schedule a dental visit.

To maintain a healthy smile, be sure to drink water after each snack. This helps to rinse away debris and keep your teeth sparkling. Pair this with flossing and routine brushing, and you should easily be able to keep those teeth sparkling!


Awesome Tooth-Healthy Snacks

Looking for some tooth-friendly snacks to enjoy as we reach the end of National Snack Month? Here are some of our top picks!

  • Edamame is known for being high in natural protein and nutrients. It may be cooked, boiled, steamed, or even eaten raw.
  • Plantain chips are a great alternative to the oily, fatty potato chips that have worked their way into many modern diets.If you still crave some salt, consider seaweed-based nori chips.
  • Chickpeas are a multipurpose treat. You can do almost anything to them, from frying to barbecuing.
  • Chapssaltteok is a sweet Korean treat. Made from red beans, this yummy snack is soft and gentle on teeth. Chapssaltteok is also known as “Korean mochi”, and eating some is thought to bring good luck.
  • For a little more kick, consider some pepper poppers. Just be sure to brush your teeth afterward!
  • Hummus chips are another crunchy idea for fans of texture and flavor.

Of course, nothing can beat a regular visit to your local Newport Beach dentist. To make sure your teeth are always looking their best, don’t hesitate to drop by Spath Dentistry or give us a call. Your dental health is essential to your quality of life, so don’t take advantage of it!

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