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Prevention and Treatment of Dental Caries

Dental caries, also known as cavities, is a serious problem that can be avoided with proper oral health care. Dr. Andrew Spath of the Newport Beach area provides patients with the knowledge they need to maintain a beautiful, healthy smile and keep problems such as cavities at bay. Many patients enjoy learning about the prevention and treatment of dental caries with a dentist who is more than willing to share his knowledge with others.

Dr. Spath often speaks first about ways to prevent dental caries from developing. Cavities are caused by tartar and plaque that build up on the teeth and begin to delve deep into the enamel. This can cause sensitivity and pain for many patients when left unattended. In worse situations, dental caries may go deep enough to infect the dental pulp, a mass of tissues within the tooth, which may require a treatment such as root canal therapy (also known as endodontic therapy) to save the tooth. If this cannot be done, patients will need to have their adult tooth extracted and restored. This can be costly and require a lifetime of attention and care.

Instead, patients can take the proper steps in the prevention of dental caries by taking good care of their smiles. This includes brushing and flossing after every meal while maintaining regular visits with Dr. Spath, for cleanings and examinations. This allows him to check on the smile and catch any developing cavities well before they become problematic.

Treatment of dental caries involves fillings. Fillings are placed into the cavities of the teeth to seal them off and keep bacteria from getting in. This can help stop the process of decay and bring the tooth back to health. In situations where the cavities are extremely large, fillings may not be enough to address the problem and inlays, onlays, and dental crowns may be used for protection and strength of the natural tooth’s structure.

Dr. Andrew Spath welcomes new patients to his practice and can educate individuals of all ages on the importance of prevention and treatment of dental caries as soon as possible to ensure the overall health and wellbeing of the smile.

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