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When might a patient need dental crowns in their smile?

One commonly used restoration in dentistry is dental crowns. Newport Beach dentist, Dr. Spath, uses dental crowns for a variety of situations in which a patient may need to restore their smile, cover a tooth, or protect a tooth. Here are the various ways in which dental crowns are used in both general and cosmetic dentistry:


Crowns are made of porcelain, which is a very strong and beautiful material that can be used to protect a natural tooth. Porcelain crowns can be used to cover a tooth that is weak or broken. Patients who have had root canal therapy on a tooth may need a crown to protect it from being damaged .Teeth that have large cavities and have had fillings put in may need a crown. Patients may also need a crown over a tooth that has been chipped or cracked.


Just like porcelain veneers, dental crowns can be bonded over a natural tooth to change a tooth’s appearance. There may be different reasons for doing this, such as restoring a molar tooth. In most instances, porcelain veneers are used over teeth near the front of the mouth, while dental crowns are used for the back teeth.

Restoration of Dental Implants

When a dental implant is placed, it may require a full dental crown on top to act as a false tooth. Patients may need dental crowns on dental implants to restore their smiles after tooth loss has occurred. The dental crown is made to match the color and appearance of the surrounding teeth so that it blends in and looks completely natural.

Dr. Spath and his team will let patients know when they may want to consider a dental crown. Alternative treatments may also be recommended, such as dental bridges or porcelain veneers. Dr. Spath will complete a full examination and consultation appointment with patients to determine the best restoration for their smile, budget, and lifestyle, and give them the knowledge they need to make an educated decision in regard to cosmetic dentistry and its effect on their smiles and appearance.

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