Top Reasons to Choose Invisalign Clear Aligners in Newport Beach

In the sun-soaked paradise of Newport Beach, California, where coastal beauty meets a vibrant community, achieving a flawless smile doesn’t have to disrupt your lifestyle. Invisalign at Spath Dentistry is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment, offering a more discreet and convenient way to achieve a beautifully aligned smile. For Newport Beach, California residents considering orthodontics, here are a few reasons to embrace Invisalign:

1. Discreet Aesthetics:

Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible, allowing individuals to straighten their teeth discreetly. Made of transparent, medical-grade plastic, they offer an aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces, providing the confidence to smile throughout treatment without metal wires or brackets.

2. Comfortable and Removable:

The aligners are curated for each individual smile, ensuring a comfortable fit. Being removable, Invisalign provides easy maintenance for the aligners themselves. Get an indepth clean at all angles. Oral hygiene os easy to maintain as you can brush and floss your teeth normally, without the challenges posed by fixed braces.

3. Precise and Effective:

Thanks to scientific advancements the Invisalign and with the aid of 3D imaging technology, patients can visualize the expected outcome before treatment begins, providing a predictable path to a beautiful smile. Regular check-ups monitor progress, ensuring effective and predictable results.

4. Minimal Disruption to Lifestyle:

For active lifestyles in Newport Beach, Invisalign offers minimal disruption. The aligners fit seamlessly into your routine without hindering sports activities or social engagements. The convenience of removable aligners allows you to maintain your lifestyle whilst on the way to your dream smile.

5. Treatment Flexibility and Predictability:

Invisalign treatment in Newport Beach, California is highly customizable and provides unmatched autonomy. Unlike traditional orthodontics, Invisalign provides the ability to be in control of your treatment process. You can remove aligners when needed, and remaining diligent can lead to a quicker treatment time.

6. Ideal for Various Dental Corrections:

From mild to moderate dental issues, Invisalign is effective in correcting a range of orthodontic concerns, including overcrowding, spacing issues, and bite irregularities. The aligners are versatile and can address various dental misalignments.

7. Confidence in Every Smile:

As the aligners gradually straighten your teeth, you’ll notice improvements in your smile over time, boosting your confidence, self-esteem, oralk health and thus overall health throughout the treatment journey.

In Newport Beach, where a community thrives on embracing an active lifestyle and natural beauty, Invisalign aligners offer a discreet and effective way to achieve a stunning smile without compromising daily life and its indulgences. By choosing Invisalign, individuals in Newport Beach can embark on a path towards a confident, beautiful smile that aligns with your lifestyles and the picturesque scenery. Start your smile journey with the top cosmetic dentist in Newport Beach, Spath Dentistry, today!

Veneers VS Invisalign with Spath Dentistry

If you’re looking to upgrade your smile, you should understand the difference between veneers and Invisalign, two common options for giving you a straight, bright smile. How will you know which oral treatment is right for you? We recommend contacting your local dentist.

Here at Spath Dentistry, we get this question often. In this guide, we’ll be discussing the basics of veneers and Invisalign, how to tell if you’re a proper candidate for either treatment and the key differences between these common cosmetic treatments.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a custom-made cosmetic solution that attaches to the front of the tooth, designed to conceal tooth gaps and enhance one’s smile.

Veneers are ideal for people with:

  • Small, misshapen teeth
  • Stained, discolored teeth
  • Teeth with previous restorations

If your teeth are only a bit out of position, veneers might not be the best solution for you. Instead, consider braces or Invisalign.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign uses clear trays to correct any misalignments in the mouth, including:

  • An overbite
  • An underbite
  • Gaps
  • Crowding

Rather than veneers, Invisalign or traditional braces would be a better solution for people with teeth that are slightly out of position.

Differences Between Veneers and Invisalign

Additionally, here are some primary differences between veneers and Invisalign:

  • The cost: Upfront, Invisalign is more costly than veneers. However, many veneer candidates need more than one veneer and must replace them in the future, bringing the total cost of treatment up exponentially.
  • The purpose: The end goal for both treatment options is different. Invisalign corrects slight issues in the teeth, whereas veneers conceal gaps or other unique appearances in the teeth.
  • The time commitment: Typically, Invisalign has a longer path for treatment, including scans, regular check-ups, and specific plan instructions. The Invisalign process could last one year or longer. Veneers, on the other hand, require an initial consultation and only a few dental visits once installed.
  • The state of your dental health: Depending on the current state of your teeth, you’ll be able to determine whether you’re a better candidate for Invisalign or veneers. However, you’ll need to have good dental health for both treatments because neither option corrects any dental health issues.

Seeking a professional opinion for your dental needs? Schedule an appointment with Spath Dentistry, your local Newport Beach dentist! At your consultation, we’ll be sure to review your treatment options so you can determine what’s right for you and your smile. We are happy to show you what a healthy smile can do for you!

Veneers vs Invisalign | What You Need to Know

Two of the most common procedures we perform here at Spath Dentistry are dental veneers and Invisalign orthodontics. The most important thing to note is that veneers aren’t meant to move teeth and if your current dentist is using them to move your teeth, this is probably reducing your teeth or grinding on your teeth in order to move them. So, if you come in and the teeth are misaligned, we always recommend Invisalign first.

Now, if your teeth are discolored, misshapenly, or need to be brightened up, that’s when veneers are a great option. Especially if bleaching isn’t doing the trick. Often times we’ll do a little bit of Invisalign to get the teeth positioned perfectly in order to be as conservative as we can when we do the veneers, or even do preface veneers.

Interested in veneers or Invisalign? Schedule a consultation online!

Accelerated Invisalign Procedure at Spath Dentistry in Newport Beach, CA

Hello everyone. I wanted to go through one of our more popular procedures, the Invisalign procedure, and why it’s different here than at other dental offices. Invisalign is a set of clear liners that snap onto the teeth and move the teeth to the more ideal position that we’ve predetermined through our software. What makes our Accelerated Invisalign a little bit different here is that we offer something called an AcceleDent.

AcceleDent is a vibrating bite plate that fits between the teeth. The patient wears it for 20 minutes a day and it stimulates the movement of the teeth. This allows the aligners to sit on the teeth even better, allowing for faster, more effective tooth movement. In many cases, we’re actually moving people along almost twice as fast through their Invisalign treatment. Most other dental offices will charge anywhere from $1,000+ for this device. However, we include it at no extra charge for all of our full Accelerated Invisalign cases.

If you have any interest in finding out about Invisalign, schedule a consultation with us online!

~ Dr Andrew Spath, Newport Beach CA Dentist.

Newport Beach Dentist describes the benefits of Invisalign

Achieving the smile you desire doesn’t have to be done with conventional metal brackets and wires, you can make it almost invisible. For those Newport Beach area patients interested in improving the alignment of their smile, there is an alternative called Invisalign. While most of you have probably have some familiarity with the product, the real benefits and time of treatment might actually shock you! The technology has come that far. Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS in Newport Beach offers his patients an alternative called Accelerated Invisalign.

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution that treats mild to moderate misalignment and malocclusion. This method of treatment uses clear aligners, which are discreet and effective at improving the dental arch and the bite. At the practice of Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS, we have years of experiencing providing teenagers and adults with this orthodontic service.

We have helped many patients improve their smiles without the need for conventional metal bracket and wire braces used in the past. Invisalign is an alternative that is more widely accepted in social situations.

Here are some benefits to the Invisalign treatment!

  • Invisalign aligner trays are made with high quality, medical-grade plastic that is clear and discreet.
  • Invisalign is effective at readjusting the teeth and helping ease them into their ideal positions.
  • Invisalign does not require patients to change their eating habits since the trays can be removed for eating and drinking.
  • Invisalign aligners are easy to remove and care for.
  • Invisalign aligners allow patients to maintain their oral hygiene without brackets and wires increasing the risk of periodontal disease or tooth decay.
  • Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear, unlike brackets and wires that can irritate the sensitive skin of the mouth.
  • Invisalign is affordable and is often comparable in price with conventional braces.
  • Invisalign is covered by many insurance providers making it an economic option for many families on a budget.

Dr. Andrew Spath, DDS starts the Invisalign process with an initial consultation appointment. During this visit, patients can discuss their dental concerns with their dentist and undergo an examination to determine if this method of treating malocclusion is appropriate. Invisalign is best used in situations where there is mild to moderate misalignment of the dental arch or the bite. More severe cases may require the assistance of a true orthodontist to address.

We are here to help, so reach if you have a question or would like to schedule your consultation! Call us at (949) 612-2356 or reach us online.

4 Reasons You Should Have Straight Teeth

Are your teeth not quite positioned where you’d like them? A Stunning and, more importantly, a healthy smile can make a huge difference on your quality of life. Having a beautiful smile of straight teeth will give you more confidence as well as improve upon your overall oral health! Don’t believe us? Here are the top 4 reasons of why you should have straight teeth.

1) Improved Oral Health

Not commonly known, straight teeth are, in fact, healthier. Having straight teeth results in fewer cavities, less discoloration, and less uneven wear or fractures. Furthermore, the gum tissue around straight teeth are less likely to develop periodontal disease. Straight teeth and healthy gums means you can chew anything you please because your teeth are less likely to be sensitive to heat and cold. Straight teeth not only look great, but they lower your risk of painful and costly dental problems.

2) More Self Confidence

Another reason to consider straight teeth is very simple… Self confidence. Unfortunately in our visually-based society appearance does matter. Studies have show again and again the benefits of an attractive appearance and smile as it relates to job opportunities, the amount of money you make, and even the people you attract into your life. Like it or not, your smile is a reflection of you.

3) Cheaper Dental Costs

Generally saving money doesn’t come to mind when thinking about having a beautiful smile, but straight are less inclined to accidents. Teeth that protrude are easily broken from falling, hitting the rim of your drink, sports collisions, car accidents and much more. In addition, mentioned in item 1, a straight smile is easier to care for and often, more cared for. Ultimately reducing your dental procedures and costly surgery. So if your teeth aren’t where you’d like to be, think about ‘paying it forward’. Not only for your wallet, but for your self confidence too!

4) Longer Life Span

Shocking, but did you know having straight teeth could help you live longer. Studies show that people who manage their oral hygiene effectively on average live an extra 7 years. This meaning daily flossing and brushing. However, studies also prove those with crooked or crowded teeth are less likely to maintain this regiment. Falling behind on this could result in gum disease and individuals with gum disease are over 30 percent more likely to suffer coronary artery disease. Straight teeth not only are easier to keep clean, but those with straight teeth are more likely to take care of them.

Our passion is oral health and seeing the individuals of Orange County happy and healthy! We appreciate you taking the time to read our latest post on straight teeth. Call us today with any questions you might have and don’t forget about our Invisalign special sure to get you on the right path of happiness and health.