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Bleeding Gums, When to Worry

Are your gums bleeding during or after flossing or brushing your teeth? We know it’s concerning but there’s no need to panic just yet. Several factors can affect our mouths and can cause our gums to bleed. Let’s look at the most common culprits and get to the root of the issue. Then we can determine if it’s time to contact your dentist at Spath Dentistry and make an appointment.


If you have health conditions that are arising it could play a role in your oral health. It’s possible that your gums can be bleeding as part of a preexisting illness. It is even more likely that your gums could be bleeding as a side effect from medications you’re taking. If you’ve recently started a new prescription or if you are experiencing bleeding gums with other health symptoms it may be time to consult your dentist and physician.

Dental Care Routine:

If you haven’t flossed in a while and have recently picked it back up it could cause bleeding gums. This is due irritation from invasive cleaning that hasn’t been done in some time. The same can be said if you change your toothbrush type from a soft bristle brush to a firmer brush. The more you practice these oral hygiene routines the more your gums will adapt and quit bleeding. If your gums continue to bleed it may be time to seek help from your dental team.


Have you noticed your gums are swollen, sore, or are tender to the touch? Do they bleed during brushing/flossing? It could be gingivitis. Gingivitis is the precursor to gum disease and though scary it is reversible if caught in time. Gingivitis occurs from plaque that remains on the teeth infects the gums and can cause serious damage. Combating gingivitis before it develops into gum disease is easy! All you have to do is make an appointment with your dentist and hone in on your oral hygiene.


It’s no surprise that with all the excitement our oral health while pregnant isn’t at the forefront of our mind. Hormones are abundant and can affect how our body breaks down the bacteria in our mouth. Therefore, it’s imperative to continue to practice good oral hygiene habits (especially the women with morning sickness) and to see your dentist regularly for scheduled dental cleanings.

There are a variety of factors that cause bleeding gums. So no need to worry right away. Stop and think about your oral hygiene routine and the factors that could be affecting your gums and possibly making them bleed. If you’ve gone through the list and you feel like the bleeding is severe and persistent it is time to consult your local dentist at Spath Dentistry in Newport Beach and set up an appointment for preventative care.

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